Thursday, 30 October 2014

Thoughtful Thursday: Is unlimited holiday a thing of the future?

Recently I stumbled across an article stating that Virgin, Richard Branson's company, are offering its employees unlimited holiday. An employee of Virgin will be able to request as many days off as they so wish within the calendar year.

Sorry, what?

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Thoughtful Thursday: Coping with Change

I will admit that before a few years ago I wasn't the best at dealing with change. I found it hard when we moved towns, changed schools, went to University or even changed my morning cereal (ok, too far). However, 2 and a half years ago I went through an extremely difficult break up during my Finals at Oxford. I lost my best friend and someone who had been a constant in my life for many years, and whilst it was extremely difficult it taught me so much about myself and coping with these big changes in our lives.

Without getting too personal, I have also gone through a break up and the loss of my Gran, which has left me feeling very contemplative. I wasn't sure whether to talk about these things on my blog, but when I started this at the end of last year I promised it would be like a personal diary for me to look back on. Therefore I want to be real and talk about real things. Life isn't all burgers, new clothes and adventures around the world! Adjusting to a new life where a big change has happened, such as a break up, a lost loved one, or a geographical move can be quite difficult, but during many hours of thinking time I've come to the following conclusions...

1. Change doesn't have to be negative. Every cloud has a silver lining. Since ending my relationship I have found I have more time to dedicate to others in my life. I have gained a good balance of being a good daughter, sister, friend and work colleague and I'm feeling very content with life. It's always sad when you lose something you had before, but there's also so much to be gained and I have some wonderful people in my life that deserve so much attention and love.

2. Which brings me onto my next point, and that is to 'just say yes.' I am trying to make a conscious effort to grab every opportunity with two hands, and stop saying no to things that may be outside my comfort zone. I am taking two trips abroad in the next month, hosting a big fancy dress birthday party  and fulfilling one of my life long goals (more to be revealed at a later date!)

3. Work on you. Often I find it's very easy to get wrapped up in caring for those around you that you forget your own self-esteem and confidence and personality needs some love too. Being on your own means you have to do more for yourself. That power cut at 12am needs YOU. It's so cliche, but if change means falling in love with yourself a little bit more, that can never be so bad thing.

4. Treat yourself. Whenever I'm going through a hard time I know exactly what will cheer me up. Some retail therapy, a pamper session, my best girl friends and a night on the town. It's perfectly acceptable to be a little indulgent when you've had a rough time, and it's the little things that bring a smile to your face that are so important.

I know none of this advice is ground-breaking, but it is definitely things I've learnt from some tough few weeks! Just remember, good things often fall apart so better things can come together. And without giving too much away, some great things seem to be coming together over here on LBL...