Wednesday 24 September 2014

Long time no speak...

Slap on the wrist, I've done it again. I've managed to go well over a month without one single post on LBL. My apologies for that, but I promise that usual habits will (hopefully) resume from now and everything will be back up and running a little more regularly.
Truth be told, sometimes life just throws massive curveballs at you and it takes all your effort to ensure your head is above water in the sea of life, let alone actually get around to dedicating time to a hobby or pastime. As much as I absolutely love blogging it isn't my full-time job, so when other aspects of life get a bit hectic it has to take a back seat. I have really missed it though, and I'm determined to get back on the blogging bandwagon. My supervisor at work even told me I need to make sure I keep it up as it's so important to me. Can't disobey his orders can I?!

Sadly recently my family have had to cope with the loss of my Gran, who passed away a few weeks ago. She had a good innings, and by the end of her life her standard of living was certainly deteriorating, but it was still quite a difficult time for everyone. I don't think that loss of a family member is ever going to be easy, but I am so lucky to have such a great, supportive, close family that we are all there for each other in times of trouble. It sounds extremely cringey, but I suppose it has made me appreciate life and everything I am blessed with that little bit more, because sadly you never know when that might change.

The weekend she passed I also moved departments at work, and am now in Property Litigation. It is extremely different to transactional law, and attention to detail is absolutely key. It is a huge challenge, but one that I am trying to rise to, and so far so good. There's definitely a litigator in me - I really enjoy contemplating the legal issues, dissecting arguments and being part of a team on a potentially law-changing case. Just need to remember to only put 2 spaces between the address and date on a letter (I wish I was kidding. Attention to detail is everything).

So with all the above going on and so much more (things which I will attempt to keep private for my own sanity) September has been a bit of a rollercoaster month. Despite the downs, I have at times been happier than I have in years, and for that I am extremely grateful. Above is a picture from a blissfully content Sunday afternoon spent on the beach at home with a cup of tea. Long may the good times continue - there are a lot of exciting things coming up over the next few months and I will endeavour to take my little space on the internet with me. So keep your eyes peeled!

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