I've always been a big Blair Waldorf fan. Not just for her fierce, cutting one-liners (to Dan - 'I wouldn't usually go this near you without a tetanus shot') but also for the way she dresses. In fact, I've become a bit obsessed with the prim and proper look she's always wearing. So when putting my outfit together I asked myself 'WWBWD?' (What Would Blair Waldorf Do?')
I put together an outfit (below) which I'm absolutely in love with. Again Miss Selfridge are bringing it with this coat (the bows are very Blair.) I've wanted a checked collared dress for ages, and this one is an absolute steal! Knee high socks are a cute twist on tights, and the loafers from Office are gorgeous, so wearable, and even in the sale. It would be a crime not to have them. The bag and the hat are just the perfect finishing touches.

So what do you think? Are you a Serena or a Blair fan?
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