I feel like 7 weeks in I am finally starting to get the hang of it, and therefore I thought I'd offer my little tips to you all in case you're finding it hard too. I know every job isn't the same as mine, and the challenges must be very different for people who work from home, but everyone needs a break right?
1. Don't OVER plan I made the big mistake in my first few weeks of making booked-up plans for my evenings and weekends. It meant that when I actually got around to those plans I was so tired I actually saw them as more of a chore than a treat! I'd recommend always scheduling in some 'down time' during the week, where you just don't put anything in the diary. I spend that time having a relaxing bath, reading a magazine, blogging or even painting my nails. One of my favourite things to do on a Sunday morning is lie in bed with James and drink tea and eat digestives, and I don't ever want to give that up!
2. Exercise It sounds silly, and also quite unappealing (who wants to gym it at 8pm?) but exercise actually really relaxes you and releases endorphins. It means you usually sleep better, feel healthier and you have some time away from the desk and everything else stressful. Even if it's a brisk walk, it's better than nothing.
3. The 'one hour before bed' rule This is the thing I find most difficult, because at heart I'm a night owl. But it really is sensible to try and switch off from everything at least an hour before bed. Put your blackberry down, turn the laptop off and just relax. Read a good trashy novel, listen to music or sit with your flatmate and have a giggle. It makes going to sleep much easier and often means a better night's sleep.
4. Talk This seems basic, but talk to those people around you. When I'm having a bad day at work I usually pick up my phone and send James/my Dad/my girlfriends a text and their positive, supportive response keeps me going. A problem shared is a problem halved!
5. Prioritize Ultimately, we can't all do everything we want all the time. There just aren't enough hours in the week. Therefore there comes a point when you realise you simply can't do everything, and some things just have to come first. It's not a bad thing, but it's working out what really makes you happy and doing those things. It means being a bit selfish, which actually I struggle with! Therefore, I've made my priorities seeing James, arranging a few fun girly things with my flatmate and closest girlfriends, keeping in regular contact with my family and blogging (aside from work obviously.) I'm now much happier!
So there you have it. My ramblings on how to achieve a bit of balance when work gets a bit crazy. I'd be interested to hear any of your tips on how to keep the balance, as I'm still very new to all this!
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