1. Confidence is EVERYTHING. You spend far too much time worrying about the little bits of hair that stick up, whether your legs are too fat and whether you've sprayed enough Charlie bodyspray on (remember that?) Just relax, because the sexiest and most attractive quality in someone is confidence. No-one will notice all the little things if you're happy, relaxed and clearly comfortable in yourself. After all, why should anyone else love your legs if you don't?
2. Just say YES. Don't turn down opportunities, however big or small they might be. Don't let anxiety or stepping outside your comfort zone stop you from experiencing things that you will look back on and remember forever. Do those little 'rebel' acts at school, like missing a class every now and then or playing a prank on the teacher – after all, whose most interesting stories about school consist of doing their homework and sitting at the front like a teacher's pet? Answer: No-one's. Be naughty.
3. DON'T listen to the haters. Girls are mean - it's a true fact of life. But don't let the haters get you down. Usually it's only because they're jealous or they are trying to make up for their own insecurities that they have to pick on you. Rise above it, and don't lie awake at night thinking about them. You'll realise in ten years time that all those girls are now still mean, (usually) fat messes, and eventually they will make an out of the blue apology, by which time you won't give a s***. You will win.
4. Appreciate your PARENTS. When you finally go away to University, you will realise how amazing your Mum's cooking, washing and general Mumness is, and how wonderful your Dad's advice is. Let them know how much you love them; and not just when they give you a tenner for the cinema. And stop comparing them to everyone else's parents – they don't compare you to other kids and constantly tell you how much better they are. Yes they nag and moan and generally seem to want to ruin your social life, but it's only because they care. Cliché, but 100% true.
5. Finally, please please PLEASE stop wearing those goth clothes. Take off those awful fishnet gloves, those baggy black skater trousers with tassels hanging off every pocket, and your huge skater Vans. Oh, and actually sit in the sunshine sometimes so you don't look like Casper with big black eyeliner. It's ok to look healthy, and you're gonna hate yourself for the next five years for the passport photo of you looking like a member of the Adams' family.
Excuse the awful photo above...but I hope it made you giggle. Who did I think I was?!
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